
Friday, 24 August 2018

#1 Achieving A New Skill

From towards and on myself and my group will be achieving many different dances as in learning how to perform many of them. My team and I will be looking at how we can be better at dancing, the dances we have chosen are ( ballet, line dancing and a little bit of hip hop ). Earlier on Tuesday team 5 had a very cool performance where everyone except the teachers were apart of. For the past few weeks everyone in room 1 was included of learning how to juggle to perform to the whole team. Our job was to learn how to juggle with 3 balls but first we had to get into pears. Everyone had worked as hard as they could as we only had 2 weeks till the performance and some of us smashed it that afternoon. The group I am now with includes myself, Irene, Ayla, Amelia, Seluone, Terry, Tatiana, Jozlo and Sanne. From what I already know we will be doing a mixture of dancing as our group is the biggest out of the whole class.


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